My Decade Long Acne Journey- Started From the Bottom Now We Here
If you’ve been following us on social media for a while you know that I have been very open about my journey in dealing with chronic adult cystic and hormonal acne. I know this is something that many people struggle with and I personally know the effects it can have on one’s self esteem. I made it through my cringey teenage years with maybe 2-3 pimples that would pop up at random and disappear fairly quickly. This usually happened after I wore the same expired drug store foundation that was three shades too dark for my skin for weeks on end without washing my face-yep- just piling a new blob on top of the old stuff and calling it good. And once in a blue moon, I got a pimple from that horrendous habit.
How it Started
It’s August 2010. I’m 18 years old (almost 19) and about to move away for school and to otherwise embark on my journey into “adulthood”. My best friend and I were going to be roommates and we got a gorgeous apartment in a downtown core that was steps away from the entertainment and bar scene. Life was about to be so good. I’ll never forget that sweltering August summer day that we moved in to our apartment and I noticed a few bumps around my jawline that were not like anything I had ever seen before. They were red, inflamed, and painful to touch. I chalked it up to the heat, and otherwise I didn’t think much of it. I took to caking on concealer and foundation in an effort to cover the spots. As the weeks went on, more and more spots started popping up. I felt completely powerless over the situation since my intermittent face washing regime using drug store cleanser and Oxy pads (lol) did not seem to be helping. Not only was it an unsightly image, it was really painful! I immediately started researching things like “How to get rid of acne in one day”. Shockingly- that, and nothing else I tried, seemed to work.
Needless to say, I spent the next 10 years (yes, TEN) combating acne flare ups that would emerge periodically. I affectionately referred to these periods of time as “episodes” , and I experienced dozens over those years. When I had acne, I felt self-conscious and generally down. I felt like I was less assertive, and struggled with looking people in the eye when I talked to them. When I didn’t have acne, I felt euphoric but with a touch of worry that I would inevitably experience another episode. When I tell you I tried everything, I really mean that. I did everything from crushing up Ibuprophren with water into a paste and using that as a facemask, using prescription lotions and potions, taking antibiotics, taking birth control (more on THAT another time!), frequent facials, lasers, swallowing cloves of garlic, not putting anything on my face AT ALL, cutting out wine/dairy/ coffee (WTF!) and just about every other crazy thing the internet told me I should try.
2020- Let’s Not & Say We Did
FAST FORWARD to 2020 when I finally got fed-up enough to (politely) demand a referral to a board-certified dermatologist as a self- diagnosed perfect candidate to go on the medication “Accutane”. I had gone through two hormonal spirals having babies, a number of pandemic lockdowns, a separation of my marriage, and my skin was at its all-time worst. I knew I had to pull out the big guns. Not surprisingly, this is also when I became passionate about cosmetic and skincare ingredients ;)
Accutane is a hardcore prescription drug that claims to work miracles for persistent acne. Essentially what Accutane does, is it treats acne by shrinking the sebaceous glands (the glands in your skin that produce oil), preventing clogged pores, decreasing the growth of skin bacteria and anti-inflammatory effects by drying the ever living shit out of your entire body and essentially turning you into a raisin. No seriously, this is a powerful drug and I am not a Doctor, but if you are struggling like I was and are considering this medication, you MUST do your own independent research beforehand. The risks associated with this medication are real: extreme dryness of the skin, eyes, lips and nose, broken hair and fingernails due to dryness, a risk of onset of suicidal thoughts (more so if you have a pre-disposition to depression or anxiety), extreme muscle aches, a birth defect risk so severe that my dermatologist made me swear an affidavit stating that I would not become pregnant under any circumstance, in lieu of going on the birth control pill to prevent pregnancy (again- more on that in another post, death to the birth control pill). The list truly goes on and on and on. Regardless, I decided that the pros outweighed the cons, as I was mostly in good health and figured I could handle it. I started the medication and noticed results immediately. I also noticed side effects immediately, but luckily they were mostly manageable with a Costco sized tub of Vaseline for my lips, and by chugging litres of water every day. I was too busy peeing to think about anything besides how well my skin seemed to be responding to this miracle medication. I did a six month cycle and was absolutely elated at the end to have glowing skin that was clear of acne, a reduction in scarring, and all in all an improved appearance in my face. I figured my acne woes were a problem of the past, so I was absolutely devastated to start getting breakouts again about five months after I finished my first treatment. Around this time, Sara and I had already started Glass House Cosmetics but the focus was on lip glosses and lipsticks only at that time, but we were silently clocking research and work hours formulating clean make-up that even the most acne-prone people could use on their face without fear. Lucky for me, and subsequently, all of you (our beloved customers- Love you XOXO) I was the lab rat in this whole operation. I simultaneously went on Accutane for a second time, and continued sampling BB creams, Foundations, CC Creams, sunscreens, concealers, and moisturizers trying to nail the perfect products for ALL skin types that we would eventually add to our collection of cosmetics. And wouldn’t you know, my acne disappeared for good and our products- specifically our BB Cream- started flying off the shelves around the same time. Kismet.
How It’s Going:
As the years have gone by, my commitment to staying acne free has run parallel to our commitment to formulating clean makeup that makes people feel and look their best. And at the same time, we have matured (a little tiny bit) and gone down the wellness rabbit hole if you will in terms of learning about our bodies and how to keep them looking, feeling, and operating at their best.
I credit the remission of my acne to Accutane, but I credit the maintenance of good skin to the following things:
- A Probiotic supplement that is specifically formulated for women. The link between gut health and acne/inflammation is shocking! I encourage you to read up on it if you’re struggling with acne and or gut issues. This was first in the list because it is an absolutely GAME CHANGER for more than just your skin.
- A collagen supplement for skin, hair and nail health
- Clean cosmetics and skincare. Ingredients matter! Look for words like “hypoallergenic, paraben free, NO phthalates, NO formaldehyde, and NO synthetic fragrances”.
- SPF!!!! Don’t subscribe to the silly idea that sunscreen breaks you out- you just need to find the one that works for you! This prevents premature aging and wrinkles as well.
- Vitamin B to help the body convert food into energy, create new blood cells, and maintain healthy skin cells and brain cells
- Keep your makeup brushes and pillow cases clean
- Lots of water and sleep! This one can be hard depending on your lifestyle, but do your best when you canJ I promise it makes a difference
I have linked all of my post acne must haves that I use religiously in our Linktr.ee for you. If you have questions about our products, or want to chat acne woes, ingredients, you name it- feel free to send a message through the chat bar on our home page, or send us a message on Instagram @shoptheglasshouse
There are of course, other solutions out there besides Accutane and I am simply being transparent with what worked for me in the past and what continues to work for me now years later. I know of many people who have healed their acne holistically, and I think that’s incredible. That did not work for me. If you’re struggling with acne, I feel for you! If you take one piece of advice from this entire post, please let it be this: Do not let your acne hold you back from living your life. It is just a tiny piece of you, and does not determine who you are. I promise, we are always own worst critics, and nobody will love you less because you have a couple of pimples. To be honest, people don’t notice acne on others the way we notice it on ourselves. I have had friends and family tell me they did not even realize my acne was an issue, that they never really noticed it. Fake it til ya make it sister. Put your best face forward, and be proud of yourself!